
This program will proccess pdf, txt, docx, and txt files that can be found in the given input directory, find similar sentences, calculate similarity percentage, display a similarity table with links to side by side comparison where similar sentences are highlighted.

This project was made part of my internship at the “Human Computer Humans Interacting with Computers at University of Primorska” lab (HICUP Lab).


Usage: main.py input_directory [OPTIONS]

  Perform a similarity analysis of all text files available in given input directory.
  Developped by Clément Delteil -> (Github: wazzabeee)

  -block_size, -s  Set minimum number of consecutive and similar words detected. (Default is 2)
  -out_dir, -o     Set the output directory for html files. (Default is creating a new directory)
  -help, -h        Show this message and exit.

How to use

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Wazzabeee/plagiarism_checker

# Go into the repository
$ cd plagiarism_checker

# Install requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Run the app
$ python main.py C:/Users/Desktop/papers -s 2 -o C:/Users/Desktop/results

First run

On the first run you might get :


Used Software and Libraries
